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Navigating the Crypto Future: Insights from Elja Boom on Paysenger and Beyond

Aug 14, 2023
Просмотров 875

In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, few voices resonate as profoundly as Elja Boom's. With over 600,000 followers on Twitter, this renowned entrepreneur and crypto expert consistently captures attention. His unique insights have become invaluable touchstones for those navigating the crypto frontier.

Today, we are privileged to delve deeper into his thoughts and perceptions on the future of cryptocurrency. Karin Veri, Head of Partnerships & Events at Paysenger, will engage in a candid conversation with Elja to shed light on his perspective on Paysenger's role and influence in the crypto sphere. An interesting tidbit: Elja has been closely following Paysenger's journey and even has his own page on the platform. If you ever wish to pose a question or share your views with him, feel free to reach out to him there!

Elja Boom

Karin: Can you start by introducing yourself and telling us about your background in the crypto space?

Elja: Hi, I am Elja Boom. I'm an industrial engineer by qualification and a computer engineer by profession. I have been in the crypto space since 2013. I was lucky to be part of the OG journey. I am a strong believer in decentralization, which is why I moved to Web3.

Karin: How did you first become interested in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology?

Elja: I was astounded when I read the BTC whitepaper in 2013, which piqued my curiosity about the crypto space. Back in 2013, I used to describe Bitcoin as 'PayPal for nerds.' Now, I view Bitcoin as the decentralized currency of the internet. Blockchain is the need of the hour; it ensures transparency which is the most valuable thing on the internet today.

Karin: You've gained considerable popularity within the crypto community, particularly on Twitter. To what do you attribute this success?

Elja: I believe there’s only one shortcut to success: HARD WORK. For me, the foundational stones for success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, and loyalty. All these years, I have been focusing on these characteristics, being honest no matter what it takes. I would like to thank all my followers and believers who supported me for all these years.

Karin: As someone who knows the CEO of Binance, can you share your views on the platform's impact on the crypto market?

Elja: Binance epitomizes crypto; it's hard to imagine the crypto landscape without it. Since its inception in 2017, CZ has transformed the crypto space for good. Binance has been focusing on making the space safer and more secure for users, and that's one of the biggest reasons for its growth in adoption. Binance has been a pioneer in launching great projects, safe trading techniques, and strategies to protect users.

Karin: With the crypto market being so volatile, how do you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments?

Elja: I would credit platforms like Twitter and for keeping me updated. Twitter, in particular, serves as an all-in-one app for the latest developments in the space. I absolutely love Twitter and especially the work Elon is doing to make it the best.

Karin: From your perspective, what are some of the most exciting innovations currently happening in the crypto space?

Elja: I am excited about the transformation from Web2 to Web3, especially with the amalgamation of AI and crypto. Other intriguing innovations include sustainable blockchains and Layer 2 scaling solutions. The best thing about Web3 is the way it's continuously evolving and that too at a rapid pace.

Karin: Can you share your views on the transition from Web2 to Web3 and the role of cryptocurrency in this shift?

Elja: The shift is happening, people are choosing decentralized platforms and giving up on traditional Web2 systems. Decentralization is the future; Web3 is the future. Crypto is more than just DeFi; it has now evolved to include Tokenization and Ownership, Digital Identity, Micropayments, Content Monetization, Governance and Decision Making, and my favorite: cross-border transactions. Crypto and blockchain are transferring the power to the people, allowing them to make their own decisions, control their own finances, and much more.

Karin: How do you think the transition from Web2 to Web3 will impact everyday internet users?

Elja: From ownership of data to Decentralized identity, Web3 is changing the internet for the better. For instance, Web3 enables content creators to receive direct payments from users, shifting the monetization model away from advertisements and allowing users to support their favorite creators directly.

Karin: Do you believe that the integration of blockchain technology into everyday apps will accelerate the transition to Web3?

Elja: Yes, absolutely. Blockchain is the key component to ensure transparency, and with transparency, growth is inevitable.

Karin: How can projects like Paysenger, which aim to provide a platform for creators with its native EGO token, contribute to this transition?

Elja: As I mentioned above, blockchain is a boon for content creators, and Paysenger is a perfect example of how crypto contributes to this. Projects like Paysenger contribute to transparency by directly connecting users and consumers, shifting away from the advertisement model and eliminating middlemen.

Karin: Since September, EGO tokens can be mined inside the Paysenger app for completing certain tasks. What is your take on this feature and its potential implications?

Elja: This is a great feature as it drives crypto adoption. The mining feature allows non-Web3 users to perform simple tasks and earn tokens without buying. This facilitates greater reach, especially for many users who remain hesitant about buying or investing in crypto.

Karin: Do you think the in-app mining feature of Paysenger will set a new trend for other apps to follow?

Elja: Paysenger is already setting trends and has been an inspiration for many. I am confident that the Paysenger model will be adopted by many content-creating platforms. The transparency is the USP of this model.

Karin: As our conversation comes to a close, can you share any advice for the creators who are currently using or considering using Paysenger and other similar platforms?

Elja: My advice to creators would be: Be Honest, create content that users want to see. Ensure that your users/viewers are safe and secure.

Karin: How can apps that implement in-app mining features like Paysenger help in driving mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies?

Elja: As the Web3/crypto space can be challenging for people with less technical know-how, the in-app mining feature can be a boon for mainstream crypto adoption. Paysenger is revolutionising this and bringing about a positive change in the space.

Karin: Given your experience and foresight, what do you believe is the future of apps implementing mainnet technology?

Elja: Given the vast exposure mainnet technology offers, I foresee more projects implementing this feature, perhaps even taking it to the next level. Mainnet technology will significantly contribute to the mass adoption and accessibility of crypto for the general public.

Karin: Elja, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to share your insights with us. It's been a pleasure talking to you.

Elja: Thank you, Karin. It's been a great conversation, and I'm always happy to share my thoughts on the future of the crypto space. Stay curious and keep exploring!

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Oct 05, 2024
Просмотров 875
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